Sunday, November 2, 2008

here and yet to be

and I see
fog and yet to be

and feel
there is here
and more of so many things we do
and fight for that are on the 52nd floor
when the ground is sinking
and barely patched together

we can't even stretch out arms
to reach one another in need
and yet we fight over protecting every last seed
over the needs of the stems
and roots and mud that already are

the future
will be ruble
if we don't lay down today
the corner stones
and turn to what builds us the most

I see problems
that need time
to fade and solve themselves

that slow medicine of time
and new minds
over blood
and the minds of today
that change only so fast

yet some leaps occur
and we are on the stage
ready for this
this jump into our brilliant future

our success
is going
to take both and all between
look ahead
and see

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