Wednesday, October 1, 2008

all this

all this mess
the importance
the urgency
only matters
if the future is still alive

my hopes
my dreams
my drive to help
only matters
if the future is still alive

the bombs
literal, virtual, and metaphoric
have ripples
and shock waves
that re-write our history
and borrow from our future

we see the curtain
tattered, but falling
and care less about
putting the bricks back in the walls
that only served to keeps us marching

in lanes to work
to the post office
to mail in the payments
to do our part
in the hive
to do our part
for our lords

not for ourselves
where is the society by the people
for the people

oh wait that was a "government"
and still just words if not empty
full of holes enough to bleed out the good
the intentions ever had

all of this
only matters
if the future is still alive

please let me build something real
something that feeds
rather than takes

all of this
only matters
if the future is still alive

please let me
be part in
any dream, any piece
of something
that will grow

we only matter
if the future is still alive

all this toil
is not enough if rewarded with only death
taxes and passing on of defeated dreams, morals, and purpose


Anonymous said...

all this! listen, do not trouble over what may be but be here now and see here now and be here now, as you are wise and wonderful put that energy in a proactive acceptance basket and you will see there is a future of some undefined waiting to be sort

Matthew Stout said...

thank you