Monday, January 19, 2009

is life

is life pre-planned

laid out


the beauty in
how well we keep it organized
and on track

or is life
more rewarding
when rolling with chaos
and emotion

the beauty in the surprise
of what peaks around by chance
at each new turn

hills abound
my life
and challenge me well
to choose the low road

which has more
more learning and expanse
over expense

even in valuation
against the cost
of all more plausible routes

I get so little being just here
and yet everything

and going out
I break many limbs
but the ones that hold
give me new breath
and new vocabulary

a new bend
in the fabric of our experience
a new curve
a pesky wrinkle that won't die

a new chance
to experience something
previously undone in the world

here to give eyes
to the parts of the universe that can't see
in whatever way I can

is honor
a reward for skill
or restraint

for risks well chosen
balance can be death if missed even slightly
only it is so slow it is mistaken
for what it was

years of following expectations
and potlitities

if you can't rise at the moment
choose heart felt chaos and creation
over stability and repetition

and just love
even a rock
if that is the best
you can


Heather said...

Wow, Matt. I really love this poem. "even a rock"--that's the best. Thank you for sharing!

Matthew Stout said...

Thank you